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We have put together a series of videos and rep ranges that we know will help you achieve the goals you are working towards.

We have had a lot of requests for a Gymnastics class. The truth is, it just wouldn't work with all members trying to work towards their own goal. Especially those trying to get their first strict pull up, you couldn't spend an hour doing these drills over and over again

Our plan to tackle your request is the progression videos we have made.

When you start to work on these progressions please don't jump ahead. start at the basics, master them and you WILL see the benefits. All you need is 10 mins to do this before or after a class, we have Pull Up bars in the open gym.

The order to work these is below -

-Strict Pull Up - 3 to 5 reps before moving on

-Kipping Pull Ups 3x10

-Kipping Chest to Bar 3x5

-Bar Muscle Ups

-Ring Muscle Ups

(you can move on to butterfly before MUs, this is the kipping progression order)

-Butterfly Pull Ups 3x10

-Butterfly Chest to Bar

If you have any questions please see any of the coaches.

Team Hull & Humber

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Butterfly Pull ups

The next pulling movement and the most efficient Pull Up movement, it's a fast movement so no need to rush. PLEASE master the Kipping movements before you tackle these Butterfly Pull Ups.

We use Butterfly Pull ups to be even more efficient and to allow us to move with pace & intensity through workouts. If you are looking to build strength in the pull, same rule will always apply - stick with Strict Pull ups.

The most important part of the Butterfly is the positioning of the Hollow and Arch as with the Kipping Pull Up, it's just in a different sequence, you should always fight to keep these two positions. Film yourself and compare to this video.

How often and when -

We recommend that you work through the progressions as they are laid out in this video. Move on when your video look like Liam. Yes, this might take time but will help you out in the long run. We hear "you make that look easy" that's because we practice and demo these good movement patterns over and over again.

If you have any questions, please give Liam, Pete or Laura a shout.

Team Hull & Humber

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Kipping Pull ups

The next pulling movement and the first in the kipping movements is the Kipping Pull up.

We use Kipping Pull ups to be more efficient and to allow us to move with intensity through workouts. If you are looking to build strength in the pull, stick with Strict Pull ups.

The most important part of the kip is the positioning of the Hollow and Arch, you should always fight to keep these two positions. Film yourself and compare to this video.

How often and when -

We recommend that you work through the progressions as they are laid out in this video. Move on when your video look like Pete. Yes, this might take time but will help you out in the long run. We hear "you make that look easy" that's because we practice and demo these good movement patterns over and over again.

Any of these can also be used to scale Kipping pull ups in the class (workout dependant) ask your coach for which would be the best option. These will differ due to workout stimulus.

If you have any questions, please give Liam, Pete or Laura a shout.

Team Hull & Humber

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